
With a team of highly skilled debators, interested students would have no diffculty in gaining necessary debating skills as well as sound exposre to MUN opportunities.

Skill Development

Our motive is to allow students all over India have access to the MUN community such that they could learn the necessary skills invovled in debating.

Strive for excellence

With highly skilled and intelligent team members, it comes naturally for us to strive for excelance and perform at our best.

All Over India

Our community is present all over India, hence, we are able to provide the necessary mentorship and debating opportunities.

What is MUN?

Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation and/or academic activity in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. MUN involves and teaches participants speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities

Why participate?

It’s a fun way of learning about the world.
It develops leadership skills.
Increases network to help you find jobs.


S.D. MUN is the only student run completely online MUN hosted by high school students in India. Our core belief revolves around providing equal access to MUN community all over India. Additionally, we strive for excellence and as a team we put our best foot forward.

Team Work, Collaboration, Discussion Oriented

One of our core belief is to allow students gain necessary skills as part of a team. We value team work and collaboration and along this process help students to also become self reliant.

  • Appropriate allocation of work dependant on skills.
  • Weekly Discussions with one-on-one mentorship / networking opportunities.

Put it in perspective. Equal Allocation.

A popular belief regarding MUN is that it is mostly dependant on a single person who can help the team win. However, the real secret is to allocate every member certain duties based on their skills.

We believe by doing this every person will have unique roll to play in the team and would hence, not feel left out.

Email Messages Slack etc. etc.

Because of Covid-19 it is very difficult to hold physical / video meeting. Hence, one of core belief is that students would develop necessry social skills to communicate with each other.

  • Formation of Slack teams.
  • Email oriented discussions.
  • Emergency message case scenarios.

Work Yourself. Result Team Oriented.

We believe that all members should be independent in carrying out the tasks assigned to them and they are able to complete those in a timely fashion.

Additionally, in case of larger tasks several smaller teams would be created to carry out the work efficiently.